Our Testing Process

This page outlines our testing strategy, including our CICD workflow and our manual Functional Tests


We utilised GitHub actions CICD pipeline to automatically compile, lint, and run the Unit Test Suite on our Product. This provides quick and clear feedback for developers to and managers to be able to exercise a Test-Driven Development metodology, and to be able to be rapidly alerted to any Integration failures.

To test, we utilised JUnit 5 with the Maven Surefire plugin to generate a test report. To lint, we utilised the GitHub super-linter workflow which uses CheckStyle to check the code for compliance to our defined style.

Testing Workflow YAML

Linting Workflow YAML

CheckStyle Configuration

Test And Integration Plan and Manual Test Reports


The following old versions were created recently, but from previous git commits

Old Version after Feedback

Initial Version

Latest Automated Test Report

Surefire Report