JAXB - Not that well known or used - Was part of Java, now Jakarta EE - Can be a bit inflexible - Uses Annotations to Unmarshall to POJOs StAX - Very Efficient - Pain to write data out again - Simple Dom4j/Generic DOM lib - Wildly inefficient - Not particularly correct - Simple - Slightly poor docs (dom4j) XOM - Reasonably Efficient - Very Flexible - extend and override - Not that well known - Fairly simple - Unmarshals XML to Objects via factories. - Designed by a single well-respected author Added XOM to a test app and investigated. Seems to work well, and the extensive documentation and demo is very helpful. **Validation** Checked XOM Docs for validation information. Copied the validating Demo into a test project; didn't work initially, but did after checking the Xerces docs and fixing Java Module issues. Seems fairly simple to use internal schema documents. David