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activateTool(String) - Method in class g3.project.core.Engine
Activate tool
addCardButton(String, String) - Method in class g3.project.ui.MainController
Add navigation button for specified card/page.
addResource(String, String) - Method in class g3.project.xmlIO.DocIO
Add a resource to the zip.
addScriptFile(Path, String) - Method in class g3.project.core.Tool
Do not support modifying tools file on the fly.
addScriptFile(Path, String) - Method in class g3.project.elements.DocElement
Attach a new script to the element.
addScriptFile(Path, String) - Method in interface g3.project.elements.Scriptable
Attach a script file to this object.
addScriptFile(Path, String) - Method in class g3.project.elements.VisualElement
Add a new script to the element.
addTool(String, String, String) - Method in class g3.project.ui.MainController
Add tool to tool-list.
ALIGNMENT - Static variable in class g3.project.graphics.FontProps
ALIGNMENT_TYPE - Static variable in class g3.project.graphics.FontProps
allowSave - Variable in class g3.project.xmlIO.IO
ALPHA - Static variable in class g3.project.graphics.VisualProps
ALPHA_TYPE - Static variable in class g3.project.graphics.VisualProps
App - Class in g3.project.core
JavaFX App.
App() - Constructor for class g3.project.core.App


B_SHADE_SIZE - Static variable in class g3.project.graphics.VisualProps
BOLD - Static variable in class g3.project.graphics.FontProps
BOLD_TYPE - Static variable in class g3.project.graphics.FontProps
bubbleEvents() - Method in class g3.project.core.Tool
Get if events are allowed to bubble up.
ButtonElement - Class in g3.project.elements
ButtonElement(String) - Constructor for class g3.project.elements.ButtonElement
ButtonElement(String, String) - Constructor for class g3.project.elements.ButtonElement
ButtonElement(String, String, Object...) - Constructor for class g3.project.elements.ButtonElement
ButtonElement(Element) - Constructor for class g3.project.elements.ButtonElement


canSave() - Method in class g3.project.xmlIO.IO
Am I allowed to save the open doc?
canSave() - Method in class g3.project.xmlIO.ToolIO
Am I allowed to save the open doc?
circle - g3.project.graphics.ExtShapeFactory.ShapeType
clearCard(String) - Method in class g3.project.ui.MainController
Clear the page/card.
clearCardButtons() - Method in class g3.project.ui.MainController
Remove all card nav buttons.
CLICK_FN - Static variable in class g3.project.core.Scripting
close() - Method in class g3.project.xmlIO.IO
Closes associated File Systems.
COLOUR - Static variable in class g3.project.graphics.FontProps
COLOUR - Static variable in class g3.project.graphics.StrokeProps
COLOUR_TYPE - Static variable in class g3.project.graphics.FontProps
COLOUR_TYPE - Static variable in class g3.project.graphics.StrokeProps
configCard(PageElement) - Method in class g3.project.core.Engine
Configure the card.
configCard(Optional<SizeObj>, Optional<Color>, String) - Method in class g3.project.ui.MainController
Configure the page/card.
Console - Class in g3.project.ui
Console(Stage, Consumer<String>) - Constructor for class g3.project.ui.Console
Create a new Console.
consoleLineCallback(String) - Method in class g3.project.core.Engine
Receive line from the console.
containsKey(Object) - Method in class g3.project.core.RecursiveBindings
convCol(String) - Static method in class g3.project.elements.FontElement
Get font colour.


DASH_STYLE - Static variable in class g3.project.graphics.StrokeProps
DEFAULT_TEXT_PAD - Static variable in class g3.project.graphics.ExtShape
DELAY_SECS - Static variable in class g3.project.graphics.VisualProps
DELAY_SECS_TYPE - Static variable in class g3.project.graphics.VisualProps
delete(DocIO) - Method in class g3.project.elements.ImageElement
delete(DocIO) - Method in class g3.project.elements.PageElement
delete(DocIO) - Method in class g3.project.elements.PlayableElement
delete(DocIO) - Method in class g3.project.elements.ShapeElement
delete(DocIO) - Method in class g3.project.elements.TableElement
delete(DocIO) - Method in class g3.project.elements.VisualElement
Delete the element and sub-elements.
deleteElement(VisualElement, DocIO) - Method in class g3.project.elements.DocElement
Delete an element.
deleteElement(String) - Method in class g3.project.core.Engine
Delete an element.
deleteElement(String, DocIO) - Method in class g3.project.elements.DocElement
Delete an element.
derefAttribute(Element, String) - Static method in class g3.project.elements.VisualElement
Find qualified attribute from element.
DISP_SECS - Static variable in class g3.project.graphics.VisualProps
DISP_SECS_TYPE - Static variable in class g3.project.graphics.VisualProps
DocElement - Class in g3.project.elements
DocElement(String) - Constructor for class g3.project.elements.DocElement
DocElement(String, String) - Constructor for class g3.project.elements.DocElement
DocElement(Element) - Constructor for class g3.project.elements.DocElement
DocIO - Class in g3.project.xmlIO
DocIO(InputStream) - Constructor for class g3.project.xmlIO.DocIO
DocIO(String) - Constructor for class g3.project.xmlIO.DocIO
docName - Variable in class g3.project.xmlIO.IO
Document Name.
DOT_DASH_STYLE - Static variable in class g3.project.graphics.StrokeProps
DOT_STYLE - Static variable in class g3.project.graphics.StrokeProps
DRAG_FUNCTION - Static variable in class g3.project.core.Scripting
drawImage(String, String, Boolean) - Method in class g3.project.ui.MainController
Show or update image on screen.
drawImageEl(ImageElement) - Method in class g3.project.core.Engine
Instruct the UI to draw an image.
drawPlayer(String, String, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Double) - Method in class g3.project.core.Engine
Show a player.
drawShapeStroke(String, String, String, Double) - Method in class g3.project.core.Engine
Set a shape's stroke.
drawShapeText(String, String, String, String, String, String, Double, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) - Method in class g3.project.core.Engine
Set text on a shape on screen.


Editor - Class in g3.project.ui
Editor(Stage, String, String, String, BiConsumer<String, String>) - Constructor for class g3.project.ui.Editor
Create a new Console.
ElementFactory - Class in g3.project.elements
ElementFactory() - Constructor for class g3.project.elements.ElementFactory
elementRelocated(String, LocObj) - Method in class g3.project.core.Engine
The UI has relocated an element.
elementScriptBindings - Variable in class g3.project.core.Tool
My script bindings.
ellipse - g3.project.graphics.ExtShapeFactory.ShapeType
Engine - Class in g3.project.core
Engine(MainController) - Constructor for class g3.project.core.Engine
evalElement(Scriptable) - Method in class g3.project.core.Scripting
Evaluate the script on a given element.
evalPyStr(String) - Method in class g3.project.core.Engine
Evaluate a python string.
evalRequired - Variable in class g3.project.core.Tool
Is Eval Required.
evalString(String, String) - Method in class g3.project.core.Scripting
Evaluate a string in the top-level context.
evalString(String, String, RecursiveBindings) - Method in class g3.project.core.Scripting
Evaluate a string of code.
exit() - Method in class g3.project.core.Engine
Exit Application.
EXT_NS - Static variable in class g3.project.xmlIO.Parse
Extension name-space.
ExtEllip - Class in g3.project.graphics
ExtEllip(ExtShapeFactory.ShapeType) - Constructor for class g3.project.graphics.ExtEllip
EXTERNAL - g3.project.graphics.StyledTextSeg.REF_TYPE
ExtLine - Class in g3.project.graphics
ExtLine(ExtShapeFactory.ShapeType) - Constructor for class g3.project.graphics.ExtLine
ExtPolygon - Class in g3.project.graphics
ExtPolygon(ExtShapeFactory.ShapeType) - Constructor for class g3.project.graphics.ExtPolygon
ExtRect - Class in g3.project.graphics
ExtRect(ExtShapeFactory.ShapeType) - Constructor for class g3.project.graphics.ExtRect
ExtShape - Class in g3.project.graphics
ExtShape(Shape, ExtShapeFactory.ShapeType) - Constructor for class g3.project.graphics.ExtShape
ExtShapeFactory - Class in g3.project.graphics
ExtShapeFactory() - Constructor for class g3.project.graphics.ExtShapeFactory
ExtShapeFactory.ShapeType - Enum in g3.project.graphics
Shape types.


factory - Variable in class g3.project.playable.PlayerFactory
Player Factory.
FILL - Static variable in class g3.project.graphics.VisualProps
FILL_TYPE - Static variable in class g3.project.graphics.VisualProps
FONT - Static variable in class g3.project.graphics.FontProps
FONT_TYPE - Static variable in class g3.project.graphics.FontProps
FontElement - Class in g3.project.elements
FontElement(String) - Constructor for class g3.project.elements.FontElement
FontElement(String, String) - Constructor for class g3.project.elements.FontElement
FontElement(String, String, StyledTextSeg) - Constructor for class g3.project.elements.FontElement
FontElement(Element) - Constructor for class g3.project.elements.FontElement
FontProps - Class in g3.project.graphics
FontProps() - Constructor for class g3.project.graphics.FontProps
Empty constructor.
FontProps(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class g3.project.graphics.FontProps
free() - Method in class g3.project.playable.Player
Release native resources.
free(Player) - Method in class g3.project.playable.PlayerFactory
Free a player object's native resources.
freeAll() - Method in class g3.project.playable.PlayerFactory
Close all players and free resources.


g3.project.core - package g3.project.core
g3.project.elements - package g3.project.elements
g3.project.graphics - package g3.project.graphics
g3.project.network - package g3.project.network
g3.project.playable - package g3.project.playable
g3.project.ui - package g3.project.ui
g3.project.xmlIO - package g3.project.xmlIO
get(Object) - Method in class g3.project.core.RecursiveBindings
getAlignmentProps() - Method in class g3.project.elements.TextElement
Get my alignment properties.
getAllProps() - Method in class g3.project.elements.VisualElement
Get all properties of an Element.
getAlpha() - Method in class g3.project.elements.VisualElement
Get element alpha.
getArchive(URI) - Static method in class g3.project.xmlIO.IO
Retrieve a presentation archive.
getAutoplay() - Method in class g3.project.elements.PlayableElement
Should the player start automatically?
getByID(String) - Method in class g3.project.elements.VisualElement
Returns the referred element, if this is it or it is a child of this.
getChangeCallback() - Method in class g3.project.elements.DocElement
Get the change callback.
getColour() - Method in class g3.project.elements.StrokeElement
Get the stroke's colour.
getCurrentPage() - Method in class g3.project.elements.DocElement
Get the currently open page.
getDefaultProps() - Method in interface g3.project.graphics.Props
Get default properties.
getDefaultProps() - Method in class g3.project.graphics.StrokeProps
getDefaultProps() - Method in class g3.project.graphics.VisualProps
getDelaySecs() - Method in class g3.project.elements.VisualElement
Get delay in seconds.
getDisplayPlayer() - Method in class g3.project.elements.PlayableElement
Should a player be displayed?
getDoc() - Method in class g3.project.xmlIO.IO
Get parsed document.
getDocIO() - Method in class g3.project.core.Engine
Returns the current Document IO object.
getDurationSecs() - Method in class g3.project.elements.VisualElement
Get display duration in seconds.
getElementByID(String) - Method in class g3.project.elements.DocElement
Returns an element in the doc by its' ID.
getElementProperties(String) - Method in class g3.project.core.Engine
Provide the Element's properties to the UI.
getElScript(String) - Method in class g3.project.core.Engine
Get the string of an Element's script.
getElScriptLang(String) - Method in class g3.project.core.Engine
Get an element's language.
getEmptyFile(String, String, String) - Method in class g3.project.xmlIO.DocIO
Try to get an empty file in the given location, with the given prefix and suffix.
getEvalRequired() - Method in class g3.project.core.Tool
Evaluate only at load.
getEvalRequired() - Method in class g3.project.elements.DocElement
getEvalRequired() - Method in interface g3.project.elements.Scriptable
Get if the element requires evaluating again.
getEvalRequired() - Method in class g3.project.elements.VisualElement
Should I be re-evaluated?
getFillColour() - Method in class g3.project.elements.VisualElement
Get the element's fill colour.
getGlobal(String) - Method in class g3.project.core.Scripting
Get a global variable.
getHeight() - Method in class g3.project.graphics.ExtShape
Getter for height.
getID() - Method in class g3.project.core.Tool
Get tool ID.
getID() - Method in class g3.project.elements.VisualElement
Returns the element's ID, or assigns it a new one if not present.
getImagePath() - Method in class g3.project.core.Tool
Get the path to the associated image.
getIndex() - Method in class g3.project.elements.PageElement
Get the page index.
getInternalResource(String, Class) - Static method in class g3.project.xmlIO.IO
Get an internal class-path resource as bytes.
getLoc() - Method in class g3.project.graphics.LocObj
Get X/Y Coordinates.
getLoop() - Method in class g3.project.elements.PlayableElement
Should play looped?
getName() - Method in class g3.project.core.Tool
Get tool name.
getNewUniqueID(String) - Method in class g3.project.elements.DocElement
Return a new Unique ID for an element.
getOrigin() - Method in class g3.project.elements.VisualElement
Get the object's X/Y location.
getPage() - Method in class g3.project.elements.VisualElement
Get the page this element is of.
getPage(Integer) - Method in class g3.project.elements.DocElement
Maybe get a target page.
getPage(String) - Method in class g3.project.elements.DocElement
Maybe get target page.
getPagePane() - Method in class g3.project.ui.MainController
Return the Pane pagePane For testing.
getPages() - Method in class g3.project.elements.DocElement
getParent() - Method in class g3.project.core.RecursiveBindings
Get the optional parent bindings.
getParentElementScriptingBindings() - Method in class g3.project.core.Tool
Return the Global bindings.
getParentElementScriptingBindings() - Method in class g3.project.elements.DocElement
Get the program-base definitions.
getParentElementScriptingBindings() - Method in interface g3.project.elements.Scriptable
Get Local Script Bindings of parent node, if parent node is another Scriptable element.
getParentElementScriptingBindings() - Method in class g3.project.elements.VisualElement
Get Local Script Bindings of parent node, if parent node is another Scriptable element.
getParentScriptable() - Method in class g3.project.core.Tool
getParentScriptable() - Method in class g3.project.elements.DocElement
getParentScriptable() - Method in interface g3.project.elements.Scriptable
Get the parent of this Scriptable element.
getParentScriptable() - Method in class g3.project.elements.VisualElement
getProp(String) - Method in class g3.project.graphics.FontProps
Return value of specified property.
getProp(String) - Method in interface g3.project.graphics.Props
Get a property.
getProp(String) - Method in class g3.project.graphics.StrokeProps
Return value of specified property.
getProp(String) - Method in class g3.project.graphics.VisualProps
Return value of specified property.
getProperties() - Method in class g3.project.elements.FontElement
Get the element's font styling properties.
getProps() - Method in class g3.project.elements.StrokeElement
Get stroke properties.
getProps() - Method in interface g3.project.graphics.Props
Get all current props.
getProps() - Method in class g3.project.graphics.StrokeProps
getProps() - Method in class g3.project.graphics.VisualProps
getPropsNames() - Method in interface g3.project.graphics.Props
Get property friendly names.
getPropsNames() - Method in class g3.project.graphics.StrokeProps
getPropsNames() - Method in class g3.project.graphics.VisualProps
getPropsTypes() - Method in interface g3.project.graphics.Props
Get property types.
getPropsTypes() - Method in class g3.project.graphics.StrokeProps
getPropsTypes() - Method in class g3.project.graphics.VisualProps
getRealType() - Method in class g3.project.core.Tool
getRealType() - Method in class g3.project.elements.DocElement
getRealType() - Method in interface g3.project.elements.Scriptable
Return the type of the element.
getRealType() - Method in class g3.project.elements.VisualElement
getRefTarget() - Method in class g3.project.graphics.StyledTextSeg
Get ref target, if it exists.
getRefType() - Method in class g3.project.graphics.StyledTextSeg
Get ref type, if it exists.
getResource(String) - Method in class g3.project.xmlIO.IO
Get a resource from the zip.
getResourceTempPath(String) - Method in class g3.project.xmlIO.IO
Extract a resource from the zip and return its path.
getRot() - Method in class g3.project.graphics.ExtShape
Getter for rotation.
getRot() - Method in class g3.project.graphics.SizeObj
Get Rotation.
getRunning() - Method in class g3.project.core.Threaded
Getter for running
getRxQueue() - Method in class g3.project.network.NetThing
Get the RX queue.
getScriptEl() - Method in class g3.project.core.Tool
Get the ScriptElement attached to this object.
getScriptEl() - Method in class g3.project.elements.DocElement
Get the ScriptElement attached to this object.
getScriptEl() - Method in interface g3.project.elements.Scriptable
Get the ScriptElement attached to this object.
getScriptEl() - Method in class g3.project.elements.VisualElement
Get the ScriptElement attached to this object.
getScriptingBindings() - Method in class g3.project.core.Tool
Get the local scope for this object.
getScriptingBindings() - Method in class g3.project.elements.DocElement
getScriptingBindings() - Method in interface g3.project.elements.Scriptable
Get the local scope for this object.
getScriptingBindings() - Method in class g3.project.elements.VisualElement
Get the local scope for this object.
getScriptLang() - Method in class g3.project.elements.ScriptElement
Get the language used for the script Currently only supporting Python.
getSeekOffset() - Method in class g3.project.elements.PlayableElement
Get the seek offset for the player (in seconds).
getSegPoints() - Method in class g3.project.elements.ShapeElement
Get a list of points if the element is a line or polygon.
getShape() - Method in class g3.project.graphics.ExtShape
Getter for Shape.
getShapeTextProps(String) - Method in class g3.project.core.Engine
Get Shape's text properties.
getShapeTextString(String) - Method in class g3.project.core.Engine
Get shape Text String.
getShapeType() - Method in class g3.project.graphics.ExtShape
Get the shape type Enum value.
getSize() - Method in class g3.project.elements.VisualElement
Get the object's size.Returns an Optional, which may contain either the size or nothing.
getSourceLoc() - Method in class g3.project.elements.ImageElement
Get the image's source path or URL.
getSourceLoc() - Method in interface g3.project.elements.Includable
Return the source path or URL.
getSourceLoc() - Method in class g3.project.elements.PlayableElement
getSourceLoc() - Method in class g3.project.elements.ScriptElement
Get the script's source path or URL.
getSourceLoc() - Method in class g3.project.elements.TextElement
getStack() - Method in class g3.project.graphics.ExtShape
Getter for Stack.
getStateVariable(String) - Method in class g3.project.elements.VisualElement
Get something from this element's state/scope.
getString() - Method in class g3.project.graphics.StyledTextSeg
Get the text segment.
getStroke() - Method in class g3.project.elements.VisualElement
Get the stroke element for this element.
getStyle() - Method in class g3.project.elements.StrokeElement
Get the dash style.
getStyle() - Method in class g3.project.graphics.StyledTextSeg
Get the style.
getSuspended() - Method in class g3.project.core.Threaded
Getter for suspended
getTarget() - Method in class g3.project.elements.RefElement
Get ref target.
getText() - Method in class g3.project.elements.RefElement
Get link text.
getText() - Method in class g3.project.elements.ShapeElement
Gets text for shape element - optional as won't necessarily exist.
getText() - Method in class g3.project.elements.TextElement
Get all font blocks in this text section.
getTextColour() - Method in class g3.project.elements.ShapeElement
Get Text Colour.
getTextFlow() - Method in class g3.project.graphics.ExtShape
Getter for TextFlow.
getTextString() - Method in class g3.project.elements.ShapeElement
Get my text string.
getTextVBox() - Method in class g3.project.graphics.ExtShape
Getter for textVbox.
getThread() - Method in class g3.project.core.Threaded
Getter for myThread
getTitle() - Method in class g3.project.elements.PageElement
getTool(String) - Method in class g3.project.core.Tools
Get a tool by it's ID.
getToolIO() - Method in class g3.project.core.Engine
Get the current Tool IO.
getTools() - Method in class g3.project.core.Tools
Get list of available tools.
getTopLevelBindings() - Static method in class g3.project.core.Scripting
Get Scripting global/top-level bindings.
getType() - Method in class g3.project.elements.RefElement
Get the ref's type.
getType() - Method in class g3.project.elements.ShapeElement
Get the Shape's type.
getValidationErrors() - Method in class g3.project.elements.DocElement
Get any validation errors in the document.
getVisibility() - Method in class g3.project.elements.VisualElement
Get if the node is supposed to be visible.
getVisualProps() - Method in class g3.project.elements.VisualElement
Get this element's visual properties map.
getWidth() - Method in class g3.project.elements.StrokeElement
Get the stroke's width.
getWidth() - Method in class g3.project.graphics.ExtShape
Getter for width.
getX() - Method in class g3.project.graphics.SizeObj
Get X Size.
getY() - Method in class g3.project.graphics.SizeObj
Get Y size.
getZ() - Method in class g3.project.graphics.LocObj
Get Z-Index.
getZInd() - Method in class g3.project.elements.VisualElement
Get the object's Z location.
gotoNextPage() - Method in class g3.project.core.Engine
Go to next sequential page.
gotoPage(PageElement, Boolean) - Method in class g3.project.core.Engine
Go to provided page.
gotoPage(Integer, Boolean) - Method in class g3.project.core.Engine
Go to specified page number.
gotoPage(String, Boolean) - Method in class g3.project.core.Engine
Go to specified page.
gotoPrevPage() - Method in class g3.project.core.Engine
Go to last visited page.
gracefulExit() - Method in class g3.project.ui.MainController
Handle all the exit stuff.


handleTogEdit() - Method in class g3.project.ui.MainController
Allows editing elements - FXML.
hasUpdated() - Method in class g3.project.elements.VisualElement
Element has changed/updated.
height - Variable in class g3.project.graphics.ExtShape
hideControls() - Method in class g3.project.playable.Player
Hide the control box.
historyArea - Variable in class g3.project.ui.Console
Text history
hrefClickHandlerConsumer - Variable in class g3.project.graphics.ExtShape
href click handler.
hrefClickHandlerConsumer - Variable in class g3.project.graphics.ExtShapeFactory
href click handler.
hrefHovEntHandlerConsumer - Variable in class g3.project.graphics.ExtShape
href mouse roll-over (hover) enter handler.
hrefHovEntHandlerConsumer - Variable in class g3.project.graphics.ExtShapeFactory
href mouse roll-over (hover) enter handler.
hrefHovExHandlerConsumer - Variable in class g3.project.graphics.ExtShape
href mouse roll-over (hover) exit handler.
hrefHovExHandlerConsumer - Variable in class g3.project.graphics.ExtShapeFactory
href mouse roll-over (hover) exit handler.


ID - Static variable in class g3.project.graphics.VisualProps
ID_TYPE - Static variable in class g3.project.graphics.VisualProps
ImageElement - Class in g3.project.elements
ImageElement(String) - Constructor for class g3.project.elements.ImageElement
ImageElement(String, String) - Constructor for class g3.project.elements.ImageElement
ImageElement(String, String, String) - Constructor for class g3.project.elements.ImageElement
Constructor with Source location.
ImageElement(Element) - Constructor for class g3.project.elements.ImageElement
imagesDirString - Static variable in class g3.project.xmlIO.IO
Includable - Interface in g3.project.elements
INCLUDE_ATTR - Static variable in interface g3.project.elements.Includable
Include Source Attribute.
initialize() - Method in class g3.project.ui.MainController
Initialise the main UI.
inputField - Variable in class g3.project.ui.Console
Text input field
insertPage(Integer, PageElement) - Method in class g3.project.elements.DocElement
Add a new page.
insertPage(Integer, String, Double, Double) - Method in class g3.project.elements.DocElement
Add a page with the specified requirements.
insertVisual(VisualElement) - Method in class g3.project.elements.PageElement
Insert a Visual element.
INTERNAL - g3.project.graphics.StyledTextSeg.REF_TYPE
invokeOnElement(Scriptable, String, Object...) - Method in class g3.project.core.Scripting
Invoke function on element.
IO - Class in g3.project.xmlIO
IO(InputStream) - Constructor for class g3.project.xmlIO.IO
Build from a byte array.
IO(String) - Constructor for class g3.project.xmlIO.IO
Create new IO and parse the project doc.
isHref() - Method in class g3.project.graphics.StyledTextSeg
Is this an href?
isUriInternal(String) - Static method in class g3.project.xmlIO.IO
Check if given Path should be in the ZIP archive.
IT - Static variable in class g3.project.graphics.FontProps
IT_TYPE - Static variable in class g3.project.graphics.FontProps


KEY_PRESS_FN - Static variable in class g3.project.core.Scripting


L_SHADE_SIZE - Static variable in class g3.project.graphics.VisualProps
line - g3.project.graphics.ExtShapeFactory.ShapeType
LINE_CAP - Static variable in class g3.project.graphics.StrokeProps
LINE_CAP_TYPE - Static variable in class g3.project.graphics.StrokeProps
LINE_STYLE - Static variable in class g3.project.graphics.StrokeProps
LINE_STYLE_TYPE - Static variable in class g3.project.graphics.StrokeProps
load(byte[], Double) - Method in class g3.project.playable.Player
Play media "from" an input stream.Warning: I'm writing your stream to a temp file as vlcj really doesn't enjoy streams.
load(String, Double) - Method in class g3.project.playable.Player
Play media from an MRL.
LOAD_FUNCTION - Static variable in class g3.project.core.Scripting
loadEmptyDoc() - Method in class g3.project.core.Engine
Load an empty document.
localContainsKey(Object) - Method in class g3.project.core.RecursiveBindings
Do the local bindings contain the key?
localGet(Object) - Method in class g3.project.core.RecursiveBindings
Get key in local bindings.
LocObj - Class in g3.project.graphics
LocObj(Point2D, Double) - Constructor for class g3.project.graphics.LocObj
Create location container.


main(String[]) - Static method in class g3.project.core.App
Main entry point.
MainController - Class in g3.project.ui
MainController() - Constructor for class g3.project.ui.MainController
makeAttrWithNS(String, String) - Static method in class g3.project.elements.VisualElement
Make an attribute with a name-space.
makeFs(Path) - Static method in class g3.project.xmlIO.IO
Make a new Zip FS.
makeNewCard() - Method in class g3.project.core.Engine
Append a new card.
makeShadow() - Method in class g3.project.graphics.VisualProps
Maybe get a shadow for the item.
makeShape(ExtShapeFactory.ShapeType) - Method in class g3.project.graphics.ExtShapeFactory
Make a new extended shape.
maybeURI(String) - Method in class g3.project.xmlIO.IO
Returns a maybe URI from an input string containing an URI.
mediaDirString - Static variable in class g3.project.xmlIO.IO
MOUSE_ENTER_FN - Static variable in class g3.project.core.Scripting
MOUSE_EXIT_FN - Static variable in class g3.project.core.Scripting
MOUSE_MOVED_FN - Static variable in class g3.project.core.Scripting
moveCard(String, Integer) - Method in class g3.project.core.Engine
Move card to new index.
moveElement(String, LocObj) - Method in class g3.project.ui.MainController
Moves the given element to the specified location.
moveElement(String, Double, Double, Double) - Method in class g3.project.core.Engine
Move an element.
movePage(PageElement, Integer) - Method in class g3.project.elements.DocElement
Move a page.
myDoc - Variable in class g3.project.xmlIO.IO
Open Document.


NetThing - Class in g3.project.network
NetThing() - Constructor for class g3.project.network.NetThing
newPlayer() - Method in class g3.project.playable.PlayerFactory
Make a new player.
newPlayer(Double, Double) - Method in class g3.project.playable.PlayerFactory
Get a new player.


offerEvent(Event) - Method in class g3.project.core.Engine
Send an event to the engine.
offerNewDoc(File) - Method in class g3.project.core.Engine
Send a doc to the engine.
openExternalLink(String) - Method in class g3.project.core.Engine
Open an external link.
openInternalLink(String) - Method in class g3.project.core.Engine
Open an internal link.
origZip - Variable in class g3.project.xmlIO.IO


PageElement - Class in g3.project.elements
PageElement(String) - Constructor for class g3.project.elements.PageElement
PageElement(String, String) - Constructor for class g3.project.elements.PageElement
PageElement(Element) - Constructor for class g3.project.elements.PageElement
Parse - Class in g3.project.xmlIO
Parse() - Constructor for class g3.project.xmlIO.Parse
parseDocXML(File) - Static method in class g3.project.xmlIO.Parse
Return the fully parsed representation of the XML doc.
parseDocXML(InputStream) - Static method in class g3.project.xmlIO.Parse
Return the fully parsed representation of the XML doc.
parseToolXML(InputStream) - Static method in class g3.project.xmlIO.Parse
Return the fully parsed representation of the XML doc.
pathToUriString(String) - Method in class g3.project.xmlIO.IO
Turn a (possibly relative) path into a correct URI.
pause() - Method in class g3.project.playable.Player
Pause the media if possible.
play() - Method in class g3.project.playable.Player
Play the media if possible.
PlayableElement - Class in g3.project.elements
PlayableElement(String) - Constructor for class g3.project.elements.PlayableElement
PlayableElement(String, String) - Constructor for class g3.project.elements.PlayableElement
PlayableElement(Element) - Constructor for class g3.project.elements.PlayableElement
Player - Class in g3.project.playable
Player(double, double, MediaPlayerFactory) - Constructor for class g3.project.playable.Player
Constructor.Make a new player.
PlayerFactory - Class in g3.project.playable
PlayerFactory() - Constructor for class g3.project.playable.PlayerFactory
playerMap - Variable in class g3.project.playable.PlayerFactory
Created Players.
playerSetControls(String, Boolean) - Method in class g3.project.ui.MainController
Show/hide player controls.
playerSetPlaying(String, Boolean) - Method in class g3.project.ui.MainController
Set play/pause on player.
polygon - g3.project.graphics.ExtShapeFactory.ShapeType
processEls(VisualElement) - Method in class g3.project.core.Engine
Process elements on a page.
PROP_DEFAULTS - Static variable in class g3.project.graphics.FontProps
Contains default values for known props.
PROP_DEFAULTS - Static variable in class g3.project.graphics.StrokeProps
Contains default values for known props.
PROP_DEFAULTS - Static variable in class g3.project.graphics.VisualProps
Contains default values for known props.
Props - Interface in g3.project.graphics
PROPS_MAP - Static variable in class g3.project.graphics.FontProps
Contains known props and their classes.
PROPS_MAP - Static variable in class g3.project.graphics.StrokeProps
Contains known props and their classes.
PROPS_MAP - Static variable in class g3.project.graphics.VisualProps
Contains known props and their classes.
PROPS_NAMES - Static variable in class g3.project.graphics.StrokeProps
Property friendly names.
putImage(String, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, String) - Method in class g3.project.core.Engine
Instruct the UI to draw an image using discrete values.
putMessage(String) - Method in class g3.project.ui.Console
Put a message to the console.
putMessage(String, Boolean) - Method in class g3.project.core.Engine
Instruct the UI to show a message to the User.
putShape(String, String) - Method in class g3.project.core.Engine
Put a shape to the display.
putStateVariable(String, Object) - Method in class g3.project.elements.VisualElement
Put something into this element's state/scope.
PWS_NS - Static variable in class g3.project.xmlIO.Parse
Name-space of the PWS.


R_SHADE_SIZE - Static variable in class g3.project.graphics.VisualProps
readConsoleLine() - Method in class g3.project.core.Engine
Read a line from the console.
rectangle - g3.project.graphics.ExtShapeFactory.ShapeType
RecursiveBindings - Class in g3.project.core
Recursive bindings will search current bindings, then parent bindings, etc, etc, for the item.
RecursiveBindings() - Constructor for class g3.project.core.RecursiveBindings
redrawEl(VisualElement) - Method in class g3.project.core.Engine
Re/draws a Visual element.
RefElement - Class in g3.project.elements
RefElement(String) - Constructor for class g3.project.elements.RefElement
RefElement(String, String) - Constructor for class g3.project.elements.RefElement
RefElement(String, String, String, StyledTextSeg.REF_TYPE) - Constructor for class g3.project.elements.RefElement
RefElement(Element) - Constructor for class g3.project.elements.RefElement
remove(String) - Method in class g3.project.ui.MainController
Remove an element by ID.
remove(Node) - Method in class g3.project.ui.MainController
Remove an element.
removeElementFromScreen(String) - Method in class g3.project.core.Engine
Remove an element from the screen.
removeResource(String) - Method in class g3.project.xmlIO.DocIO
Remove a resource from the Zip.
resizeElement(String, SizeObj) - Method in class g3.project.ui.MainController
Resize a Visual Element.
resizeElement(String, Double, Double, Double) - Method in class g3.project.core.Engine
Resize an element on screen.
retrieveDoc(FileSystem) - Method in class g3.project.xmlIO.DocIO
retrieveDoc(FileSystem) - Method in class g3.project.xmlIO.IO
Get doc from FileSystem.
retrieveDoc(FileSystem) - Method in class g3.project.xmlIO.ToolIO
Get doc from FileSystem.
rot - Variable in class g3.project.graphics.ExtShape
ROT - Static variable in class g3.project.graphics.VisualProps
ROT_TYPE - Static variable in class g3.project.graphics.VisualProps
run() - Method in class g3.project.core.Engine
run() - Method in class g3.project.core.Threaded
Run stuff.
run() - Method in class g3.project.network.NetThing
runFunction(Runnable) - Method in class g3.project.core.Engine
Run a function on the engine thread.


save() - Method in class g3.project.xmlIO.DocIO
Save document to current location.
saveAs(String) - Method in class g3.project.xmlIO.DocIO
Save document to new location.
saveCurrentDoc() - Method in class g3.project.core.Engine
Attempt to save the current doc.
saveCurrentDocAs(String) - Method in class g3.project.core.Engine
Attempt to save current doc to new location.
Scriptable - Interface in g3.project.elements
ScriptElement - Class in g3.project.elements
ScriptElement(String) - Constructor for class g3.project.elements.ScriptElement
ScriptElement(String, String) - Constructor for class g3.project.elements.ScriptElement
ScriptElement(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class g3.project.elements.ScriptElement
Constructor with script.
ScriptElement(Element) - Constructor for class g3.project.elements.ScriptElement
Scripting - Class in g3.project.core
Scripting(String, Engine, Writer) - Constructor for class g3.project.core.Scripting
scriptsDirString - Static variable in class g3.project.xmlIO.IO
sendEvent(Event) - Method in class g3.project.network.NetThing
Send an event to the net.
setAlignment(String, String) - Method in class g3.project.elements.ShapeElement
Set text alignment.
setAlpha(Double) - Method in class g3.project.elements.VisualElement
Set the element Alpha.
setAutoplay(Boolean) - Method in class g3.project.elements.PlayableElement
Set auto-play.
setChangeCallback(Consumer<VisualElement>) - Method in class g3.project.elements.DocElement
Set change callback.
setColour(String) - Method in class g3.project.elements.StrokeElement
Set colour of Stroke (RGBA).
setCursorType(String) - Method in class g3.project.core.Engine
Set the cursor type.
setCursorType(Cursor) - Method in class g3.project.ui.MainController
Set the cursor type.
setDelaySecs(Double) - Method in class g3.project.elements.VisualElement
Set delay in seconds.
setDisplayPlayer(Boolean) - Method in class g3.project.elements.PlayableElement
Set display of player.
setDurationSecs(Double) - Method in class g3.project.elements.VisualElement
Set delay in seconds.
setElementShadow(String, Double) - Method in class g3.project.core.Engine
Set basic shadow on an element.
setElementVisibility(String, Boolean) - Method in class g3.project.core.Engine
Set a drawn element's on-screen visibility.
setElementVisible(String, Boolean) - Method in class g3.project.ui.MainController
Show/Hide an element.
setElScript(String, String, String) - Method in class g3.project.core.Engine
Set an Element's script.
setElShadow(String, Double) - Method in class g3.project.ui.MainController
Set a basic shadow on an element.
setElVisualProps(String, VisualProps) - Method in class g3.project.ui.MainController
Set props on Visual Element.
setEvalRequired(Boolean) - Method in class g3.project.core.Tool
Set if I should be re-evaluated.
setEvalRequired(Boolean) - Method in class g3.project.elements.DocElement
setEvalRequired(Boolean) - Method in interface g3.project.elements.Scriptable
Set if the element requires evaluating again.
setEvalRequired(Boolean) - Method in class g3.project.elements.VisualElement
Set if I should be re-evaluated.
setFill(Color) - Method in class g3.project.graphics.ExtShape
Set the shape fill colour.
setFillColour(String) - Method in class g3.project.elements.VisualElement
Set the fill colour.
setFont(String, String, Double, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) - Method in class g3.project.elements.ShapeElement
Set my font.
setGlobal(String, Object) - Method in class g3.project.core.Scripting
Add an object to global bindings.
setHRef(String, StyledTextSeg.REF_TYPE) - Method in class g3.project.graphics.StyledTextSeg
Set an href on this segment.
setHrefClickHandler(Consumer<MouseEvent>) - Method in class g3.project.graphics.ExtShape
Set the href click handler.
setHrefClickHandler(Consumer<MouseEvent>) - Method in class g3.project.graphics.ExtShapeFactory
Set the href click handler.
setHrefHoverEnterHandler(Consumer<MouseEvent>) - Method in class g3.project.graphics.ExtShape
Set the href hover entry handler.
setHrefHoverEnterHandler(Consumer<MouseEvent>) - Method in class g3.project.graphics.ExtShapeFactory
Set the href hover entry handler.
setHrefHoverExitHandler(Consumer<MouseEvent>) - Method in class g3.project.graphics.ExtShape
Set the href hover exit handler.
setHrefHoverExitHandler(Consumer<MouseEvent>) - Method in class g3.project.graphics.ExtShapeFactory
Set the href hover exit handler.
setID(String) - Method in class g3.project.elements.VisualElement
Set element ID.
setIndex(Integer) - Method in class g3.project.elements.PageElement
Set the page index.
setLoop(Boolean) - Method in class g3.project.elements.PlayableElement
Set if play should loop.
setLoop(Boolean) - Method in class g3.project.playable.Player
Set playback loop.
setOriginXY(LocObj) - Method in class g3.project.elements.VisualElement
Set the object's X/Y location.
setOriginXY(Double, Double) - Method in class g3.project.elements.VisualElement
Set the object's X/Y location.
setParent(RecursiveBindings) - Method in class g3.project.core.RecursiveBindings
Set parent bindings.
setPoints(ArrayList<Double>) - Method in class g3.project.graphics.ExtLine
Sets points for the line.
setPoints(ArrayList<Double>) - Method in class g3.project.graphics.ExtPolygon
Sets points for the shape.
setProperties(HashMap<String, Object>) - Method in class g3.project.elements.FontElement
Set this object's properties.
setProps(StrokeProps) - Method in class g3.project.elements.StrokeElement
Set stroke props/attributes.
setProps(HashMap<String, Object>) - Method in class g3.project.elements.VisualElement
Set this object's properties.
setScriptGlobal(String, Object) - Method in class g3.project.core.Engine
Put a global into the scripting engine.
setScriptLang(String) - Method in class g3.project.elements.ScriptElement
Not currently supported.
setSeek(Double) - Method in class g3.project.playable.Player
Set player offset.
setSeekOffset(Double) - Method in class g3.project.elements.PlayableElement
Set the Seek offset (in seconds).
setSegPoints(ArrayList<Double>) - Method in class g3.project.elements.ShapeElement
Set segment points for polygon or alt-line.
setShapeColour(String, String) - Method in class g3.project.core.Engine
Set a Shape's style.
setShapeTextProps(String, HashMap<String, Object>) - Method in class g3.project.core.Engine
Set shape element text properties.
setShapeTextString(String, String) - Method in class g3.project.core.Engine
Set Shape Text String.
setSize(SizeObj) - Method in class g3.project.elements.VisualElement
Set the element size.
setSize(SizeObj) - Method in class g3.project.graphics.ExtEllip
setSize(SizeObj) - Method in class g3.project.graphics.ExtLine
setSize(SizeObj) - Method in class g3.project.graphics.ExtPolygon
setSize(SizeObj) - Method in class g3.project.graphics.ExtRect
setSize(SizeObj) - Method in class g3.project.graphics.ExtShape
Set the shape size.
setSize(SizeObj) - Method in class g3.project.playable.Player
Resize the player.
setSize(SizeObj) - Method in class g3.project.ui.VisImageView
Set Size.
setSize(SizeObj) - Method in interface g3.project.ui.Visual
Set the item's size.
setSize(Double, Double, Double) - Method in class g3.project.elements.VisualElement
Set element size.
setStroke(StrokeProps) - Method in class g3.project.graphics.ExtShape
Configure shape stroke.
setStroke(String, String, Double) - Method in class g3.project.elements.ShapeElement
Set a shape's stroke.
setStyle(String) - Method in class g3.project.elements.StrokeElement
Set the Stroke dash style.
setText(String) - Method in class g3.project.elements.ShapeElement
Set a text string, preserving properties of the first segment.
setText(ArrayList<StyledTextSeg>) - Method in class g3.project.elements.ShapeElement
Sets text of the shape element.
setText(ArrayList<StyledTextSeg>, TextAlignment, Pos) - Method in class g3.project.graphics.ExtShape
Set text and style in element.
setTextAlpha(Double) - Method in class g3.project.elements.ShapeElement
Set alpha of contained text.
setTextClickHandler(Consumer<MouseEvent>) - Method in class g3.project.graphics.ExtShape
Set the text click handler.
setTextClickHandler(Consumer<MouseEvent>) - Method in class g3.project.graphics.ExtShapeFactory
Set the text click handler.
setTextColour(String) - Method in class g3.project.elements.ShapeElement
Set text Colour.
setTextProperties(HashMap<String, Object>) - Method in class g3.project.elements.ShapeElement
Set my text properties via map.
setTitle(String) - Method in class g3.project.elements.PageElement
setType(String) - Method in class g3.project.elements.ShapeElement
Set the shape's type.
setValidationErrors(ArrayList<String>) - Method in class g3.project.elements.DocElement
Set doc validation errors.
setVisibility(Boolean) - Method in class g3.project.elements.VisualElement
Set my visibility.
setVisualProps(VisualProps) - Method in class g3.project.graphics.ExtShape
Set visual properties.
setVisualProps(VisualProps) - Method in class g3.project.playable.Player
Set properties.
setVisualProps(VisualProps) - Method in class g3.project.ui.VisImageView
Set Visual Properties.
setVisualProps(VisualProps) - Method in interface g3.project.ui.Visual
Set item visual properties.
setWidth(Double) - Method in class g3.project.elements.StrokeElement
Set the Stroke width.
setZInd(Double) - Method in class g3.project.elements.VisualElement
Set the object's Z location.
SHADE_COL - Static variable in class g3.project.graphics.VisualProps
SHADE_COL_TYPE - Static variable in class g3.project.graphics.VisualProps
SHADE_SIZE - Static variable in class g3.project.graphics.VisualProps
SHADE_SIZE_TYPE - Static variable in class g3.project.graphics.VisualProps
shape - Variable in class g3.project.graphics.ExtShape
ShapeElement - Class in g3.project.elements
ShapeElement(String) - Constructor for class g3.project.elements.ShapeElement
ShapeElement(String, String) - Constructor for class g3.project.elements.ShapeElement
ShapeElement(Element) - Constructor for class g3.project.elements.ShapeElement
shapeType - Variable in class g3.project.graphics.ExtShape
My Enumerated Type.
showBlockingMessage(String) - Method in class g3.project.ui.MainController
Show a blocking message to the user.
showConsole() - Method in class g3.project.ui.MainController
Show the Python console.
showControls() - Method in class g3.project.playable.Player
Show the control box.
showDocChooser() - Method in class g3.project.core.Engine
Request the UI to show a doc chooser.
showDocPicker() - Method in class g3.project.ui.MainController
Shows a new-doc file picker, then loads selected doc.
showNonBlockingMessage(String) - Method in class g3.project.ui.MainController
Show a non-blocking message to the user.
showPlayable(String, String, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Double) - Method in class g3.project.ui.MainController
Show some playable media.
showSavePicker() - Method in class g3.project.ui.MainController
Shows a document save window, then saves the doc.
showStartScreen() - Method in class g3.project.core.Engine
Loads the start screen.
sinkEvents() - Method in class g3.project.core.Tool
Get whether this tool sinks all events, or is pass-through.
SIZE - Static variable in class g3.project.graphics.FontProps
SIZE_TYPE - Static variable in class g3.project.graphics.FontProps
SizeObj - Class in g3.project.graphics
SizeObj(Double, Double, Double) - Constructor for class g3.project.graphics.SizeObj
Create new object.X and Y are in PX, rot is in degrees.
SOLID_STYLE - Static variable in class g3.project.graphics.StrokeProps
stack - Variable in class g3.project.graphics.ExtShape
start() - Method in class g3.project.core.Threaded
Request start thread activity.
start(Stage) - Method in class g3.project.core.App
startMakingElement(String, String) - Method in class g3.project.core.ToolsFactory
startMakingElement(String, String) - Method in class g3.project.elements.ElementFactory
stop() - Method in class g3.project.core.App
stop() - Method in class g3.project.core.Threaded
Request stop thread activity.
StrokeElement - Class in g3.project.elements
StrokeElement(String) - Constructor for class g3.project.elements.StrokeElement
StrokeElement(String, String) - Constructor for class g3.project.elements.StrokeElement
StrokeElement(Element) - Constructor for class g3.project.elements.StrokeElement
StrokeProps - Class in g3.project.graphics
StrokeProps() - Constructor for class g3.project.graphics.StrokeProps
Empty constructor.
StrokeProps(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class g3.project.graphics.StrokeProps
StyledTextSeg - Class in g3.project.graphics
StyledTextSeg(FontProps, String) - Constructor for class g3.project.graphics.StyledTextSeg
StyledTextSeg.REF_TYPE - Enum in g3.project.graphics
Enumerator for use with refs.


T_SHADE_SIZE - Static variable in class g3.project.graphics.VisualProps
TableElement - Class in g3.project.elements
TableElement(String) - Constructor for class g3.project.elements.TableElement
TableElement(String, String) - Constructor for class g3.project.elements.TableElement
TableElement(Element) - Constructor for class g3.project.elements.TableElement
tempFilePrefix - Static variable in class g3.project.xmlIO.IO
tempFiles - Variable in class g3.project.xmlIO.IO
Temporary files requiring cleanup.
tempPath - Variable in class g3.project.xmlIO.IO
textbox - g3.project.graphics.ExtShapeFactory.ShapeType
textClickHandlerConsumer - Variable in class g3.project.graphics.ExtShape
text click handler.
textClickHandlerConsumer - Variable in class g3.project.graphics.ExtShapeFactory
text click handler.
TextElement - Class in g3.project.elements
TextElement(String) - Constructor for class g3.project.elements.TextElement
TextElement(String, String) - Constructor for class g3.project.elements.TextElement
TextElement(String, String, ArrayList<StyledTextSeg>) - Constructor for class g3.project.elements.TextElement
TextElement(Element) - Constructor for class g3.project.elements.TextElement
textFlow - Variable in class g3.project.graphics.ExtShape
textVbox - Variable in class g3.project.graphics.ExtShape
Threaded - Class in g3.project.core
Threaded() - Constructor for class g3.project.core.Threaded
toCSS() - Method in class g3.project.graphics.FontProps
Get the JFX CSS for these properties.
toCSS() - Method in class g3.project.graphics.StrokeProps
Get the JFX CSS for these properties.
toggleBubble(Boolean) - Method in class g3.project.ui.MainController
Toggle if events are consumed at the source.
toggleEdit(Boolean) - Method in class g3.project.core.Engine
Toggle if the display is editable.
toggleEditable(Boolean) - Method in class g3.project.ui.MainController
Allows editing elements.
togglePlayerPlaying(String, Boolean) - Method in class g3.project.core.Engine
Make a player on screen play/pause.
togglePlayerPlaying(String, Boolean) - Method in class g3.project.ui.MainController
Make a player play/pause.
Tool - Class in g3.project.core
Tool(String) - Constructor for class g3.project.core.Tool
Tool(String, String) - Constructor for class g3.project.core.Tool
Tool(Element) - Constructor for class g3.project.core.Tool
TOOL_CLOSE_FUNCTION - Static variable in class g3.project.core.Scripting
ToolIO - Class in g3.project.xmlIO
ToolIO(InputStream) - Constructor for class g3.project.xmlIO.ToolIO
Load tools from Stream.
ToolIO(String) - Constructor for class g3.project.xmlIO.ToolIO
Load tools from path string.
Tools - Class in g3.project.core
Tools(String) - Constructor for class g3.project.core.Tools
Tools(String, String) - Constructor for class g3.project.core.Tools
Tools(Element) - Constructor for class g3.project.core.Tools
ToolsFactory - Class in g3.project.core
Factory for tool-related elements.
ToolsFactory() - Constructor for class g3.project.core.ToolsFactory


unsuspend() - Method in class g3.project.core.Threaded
Unsuspend thread.
updateProperties(HashMap<String, Object>, String) - Method in class g3.project.core.Engine
Update element properties.
updatePropsList(Node) - Method in class g3.project.ui.MainController
Update the list of properties.
updateShape(String, String, StrokeProps, ArrayList<StyledTextSeg>, ArrayList<Double>) - Method in class g3.project.ui.MainController
Draw/Redraw shape on screen.
updateShapeColour(String, Color) - Method in class g3.project.ui.MainController
Change a shape's colour.
updateShapeStroke(String, StrokeProps) - Method in class g3.project.ui.MainController
Change Shape stroke.
updateShapeText(String, ArrayList<StyledTextSeg>) - Method in class g3.project.ui.MainController
Update the text on a shape.
US - Static variable in class g3.project.graphics.FontProps
US_TYPE - Static variable in class g3.project.graphics.FontProps


validateUniqueID(String) - Method in class g3.project.elements.DocElement
Validates if the given ID is unique or not.
VALIGNMENT - Static variable in class g3.project.graphics.FontProps
VALIGNMENT_TYPE - Static variable in class g3.project.graphics.FontProps
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum g3.project.graphics.ExtShapeFactory.ShapeType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum g3.project.graphics.StyledTextSeg.REF_TYPE
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum g3.project.graphics.ExtShapeFactory.ShapeType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum g3.project.graphics.StyledTextSeg.REF_TYPE
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VISIBLE - Static variable in class g3.project.graphics.VisualProps
VISIBLE_TYPE - Static variable in class g3.project.graphics.VisualProps
VisImageView - Class in g3.project.ui
VisImageView() - Constructor for class g3.project.ui.VisImageView
VisImageView(String) - Constructor for class g3.project.ui.VisImageView
VisImageView(Image) - Constructor for class g3.project.ui.VisImageView
Visual - Interface in g3.project.ui
VisualElement - Class in g3.project.elements
VisualElement(String) - Constructor for class g3.project.elements.VisualElement
VisualElement(String, String) - Constructor for class g3.project.elements.VisualElement
VisualElement(Element) - Constructor for class g3.project.elements.VisualElement
VisualProps - Class in g3.project.graphics
VisualProps() - Constructor for class g3.project.graphics.VisualProps
Empty constructor.
VisualProps(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class g3.project.graphics.VisualProps


width - Variable in class g3.project.graphics.ExtShape
WIDTH - Static variable in class g3.project.graphics.StrokeProps
WIDTH_TYPE - Static variable in class g3.project.graphics.StrokeProps
writeBytes(String, byte[]) - Method in class g3.project.xmlIO.DocIO
Write to a given file.


X_ORIG - Static variable in class g3.project.graphics.VisualProps
X_SIZE - Static variable in class g3.project.graphics.VisualProps
X_SZ_TYPE - Static variable in class g3.project.graphics.VisualProps
X_TYPE - Static variable in class g3.project.graphics.VisualProps
XML_FILE_NAME - Static variable in class g3.project.xmlIO.DocIO
Name of XML doc.
XML_FILE_NAME - Static variable in class g3.project.xmlIO.ToolIO
Name of XML doc.


Y_ORIG - Static variable in class g3.project.graphics.VisualProps
Y_SIZE - Static variable in class g3.project.graphics.VisualProps
Y_SZ_TYPE - Static variable in class g3.project.graphics.VisualProps
Y_TYPE - Static variable in class g3.project.graphics.VisualProps


Z_IND - Static variable in class g3.project.graphics.VisualProps
Z_TYPE - Static variable in class g3.project.graphics.VisualProps
zipFs - Variable in class g3.project.xmlIO.IO
A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z 
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